On Broadway


Association Description

The On Broadway business Association has continued a steady path forward in creating a sense of localized neighborhood along its long stretch from Alamitos to Belmont.

With introduction of the Villages on Broadway we are creating a string of small yet colorful grouping of businesses and neighbors. The Villages highlight each local area and fosters pride and ownership in each village by working to create a partnership with neighborhood associations. Each village is empowered to create their own projects and sense of community. The On Broadway Business Association supports and passes on experience and a place to share success and challenges with each other.

Association Location

On Broadway stretches from Alamitos Avenue to Belmont Avenue, which is just under two miles – The Villages on Broadway creates a cohesion and identity on this street.

Broadway Street spans Long Beach, west to east. It connects the Westside from the Los Angeles River past downtown, through Alamitos Beach, Bluff Park, Bluff Heights, and Belmont Heights before it ends at Alamitos Bay.

Sidney Cramer – Co-President
Spa Sidney Beauty Lounge
3519 E. Broadway St,
Long Beach, CA 90803
(562) 433-9665
Keir Jones – Co-President
State Farm Insurance
4105 E. Broadway, Suite 110
Long Beach, CA 90803
(562) 433-5573

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